Your forecast was channeled last night at 3am, it’s a tender one and what else would you expect for a Pisces New Moon. I hope this one hits you in the right places :) I get personal and have a spoken word moment lol bless

The world and your life is for you to interpret. Depending on how we hold this, it can cause much disease. Some seasons stretch us to the extent of our sagedom (is that a word? 😂) and this type of month will do exactly that. Be surgical and kind with how you approach the multiplicity of your consciousness, it’s all you have in the larger scheme.



Also dropping episode 7 this week and this one does compliment the New Moon vibe, so I hope you enjoy. I’ve been holding this idea closely for a while and am excited to share this. Its addressed to the mystics, the gays and the distrustful 😂

oak astrology