
Welcome to our prayer group for these next 3 months where we will align to the frequency of divine possibility. As the timing of this group is based on the movement of benevolent Jupiter in Pisces, through prayer we will be plunging ourselves into the infinite waters of creation, like gentle whales feasting on the algae of spirit (lol, but really).

We meet on Thursdays @ 11am pst / 2pm est for approx 30 mins of meditation/prayer. Oak will be utilizing astrological transits to keep our group feeling relevant. As we begin we will will build up our intentions and throughout our time together, we will strengthen our connection to spirit and align to the frequency of opportunity. Excited to work together on this :)

Our goals within this approx 2.5 month endeavor:

  • Cultivate a strong bond with spirit and our higher selves

  • Align to the frequency of divine possibility as a way to magnetize abundance

  • To develop true generosity of spirit and deepen our relationship to loving compassion

  • Plant seeds of fortune that will bear fruit in Jan-May of 2022

Items needed for this group:

7 day candle - can be gold, purple royal blue or white or rainbow lol 🌈

paper / journal

optional: cheery blossom flower essence <3

Feel free to build an altar to hold the space of your intentions for these next months**


Please watch the recent video I posted regarding the transit of Jupiter in Pisces and also watch this video I made just for our group. These will be background info that may help with setting your intention on our first meeting.

Updated 5/12: new video posted about the type of abundance that Jupiter in Pisces represents


For those of you who missed the first meeting here is a recording of the meditation that we did. Looking forward to continuing this work with everyone on Thursdays.

Our energetic container:

The chart of our first meeting is quite beautiful. Very much enjoying the supportive and solid trine between Mercury and Saturn. As well as the Sun sextile to neptune, squaring Jupiter and trine to Pluto. This seems spiritually clarifying with potential to make tangible and long term changes. My favorite aspect is that Mercury and the Moon are conjunct as those are both aspects of the mind in which we process our conscious and subconscious. Overall, a good chart and very reflective of what we are trying to achieve <3


Further Guidance:

If you want to work with me personally, I will be offering individual sessions at some point in next week or so. Feel free to email me oakastrology@gmail.com