Capricorn Horoscopes 12/21 - 1/20

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Capricorn, the Sea Goat, has the perseverance and versatility to climb mountains and swim the depths of the sea. 

Instilled with a sense of duty and maturity, Capricorns embody the virtues of planning, conservation and the potency of hard work. 

This Capricorn Season is supercharged with Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, the South Node and Pluto sharing this sliver of the sky with the Sun. It is definitely a time for work, although there’s a momentum about this month that has been building the entire year.  Your commitments at this time may be tied with a sense of grief or pain. 

Dec 21 - Winter Solstice

The tipping point of light, the dominance of night during the winter solstice naturally pulls us into quiet contemplation. If you have been present with your tender heart, there’s a sobering understanding of what the months work will be.

A Time for Closures & New Beginnings

This month the eclipses coincide with the end of the calendar year. While we close up 2019, we can think back to January and July when we also had eclipses. There are gems of insight that can be found by looking back to these times and how they align to decisions and events happening for you now. 

Capricorn Solar Eclipse December 25 2019

Cancer Lunar Eclipse January 10 2020

Previous Cancer/Capricorn eclipses: 

Capricorn Solar Eclipse January 5 2019

Cancer Solar Eclipse July 2 2019

Capricorn Lunar Eclipse July 16 2019

“It is what it is” 

Have you surrendered to hardship and simply accepted your cards of fate? To throw your hands up and say “it is what it is” can just be accepting that you have no power in your situation and is a hallmark of colonialism. An inherited understanding of what has ‘always been’ set in place. 

Be mindful if this is you. You have the agency to change a long held belief this month. 

Joyful Service

As the weight of reality may be pressing upon our minds and hearts, aligning to  purpose is a way to remain with the parts of the work that are more difficult. No matter what the work is, whether it’s starting over from scratch, putting up difficult boundaries or confronting sadness in the soul - Find peace in the fortifying of a new and sturdy foundation for yourself. Tuning into the virtue of joyful service and seeing all steps in the process of work can shift from a feeling of heavy doldrums to the prosperous heart.


2020 has a dynamic and intense energy and what happens this month sets the stage for the coming months, learn how to forecast your year with Oak.


As your work is already set in motion, January brings culmination. As you build your status and are reaching for your crown, remind yourself what makes you push so hard to begin with. Take some rest and regeneration to balance out all the excitement.


What was your relationship to possibility at new years 2019? The eclipses this month echo your development for the year, think of this month as a brand new chapter for your mind’s eye. 


Cleanse your mind + heart this month. The time is ripe to cut cords of old attachments and open yourself to a higher vision of personal empowerment. The rawness of transition is symbolic of fertility, trust your worth.


When we align ourselves to personal growth, the heart can ache as our circumstances and relationships around us change. Though it is much easy to choose ourselves consciously. Acceptance of the ever evolving self can hold steady the heart that feels so much sentiment. 


Teetering between your busy self and need for deep rest can come to a head this month. Be conscious of your body, mind and spirit and the necessity to sit with and harmonize all three. Self neglect does not bode well this month, be loving to yourself.


Your uninhibited heart wishes to birth a project, though you are seeing the ways you have felt held back. Now is the time to claim your joy, who blocks that feeling? Assess and lovingly discern. Open arms await you if you make space for new friendship.


A light shines upon your tender core this month and it is a beautiful time to apply a healing balm. Emotional wounds are merely unfinished conversations. Bless your story and opt for a new & loving personal narrative. 


Circular thoughts and self dissection has its uses and benefits, it may be time to just choose a way to move forward. Acceptance and integration can soothe mental anguish.


To be fearful of your own greatness disrupts the flow of abundance in which you’re naturally attuned. Sitting with your responsibilities will prove to support you in the best way. 


As you cross a huge threshold of growth and are ready to take your well deserved steps forward, do not forget to look back. January of 2019 may feel like ages ago, but worth a pause and reflection. 


At the core of fear and anxiety is a need to dance with the richness of your spirit and the mundane. Sifting through the corridors of your mind will produce gems. Support your soul with rest and kindness. 


Focus on what pays you, focus on what brings you joy and the rest can run its course. If necessary, breaking ties and committing to yourself may be where the growth is. Joy as your compass will guide your month. 

oak astrology