In most creation stories, we are made of Earth and Sky.

It reminds us of our existence as part of two worlds, simultaneously, both finite and boundless. Here is the same conundrum with Pisces. Having one eye, capable of seeing with spirit, and the other lodged into our heavy 3-D reality. Pisces is the archetype of the infinite inner world, a place we all go when we dream and meditate in order to push the bounds of what is possible in this life. 

This month we are urged to follow our subconscious and the subtlety of messages between words. While the overall theme of 2020 is to reign in productivity, Pisces season sensitizes us to pull back a bit to fine tune our visions. 

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Your big plans are starting to take form and you’ve been waiting for the right time to start putting it all out there. As ready as you are, there is still a need to pull back behind the scenes and restructure. Certain workings may not be clear to you at this time, patience is important this month.


Your enthusiasm for learning is strong this month. You’ve been growing and challenging your own mind so much, it makes sense that many things around you are also changing. It may be a good idea to explore other groups that are matching your new perspectives and interests. Don’t be salty if you’re not feeling satisfied with older relationships, but continue to level up.  


Time to take a step back and reorient your direction. Re-polish your image and also do some strategizing. Looking at how everything is working behind the scenes will help you organize yourself. Create space in your life by removing entanglements, it will make your forward steps so much more satisfying. 


Your visions and dreams are vibrant at this time. Don’t be oppressed by how far away your goals can feel, this is a month of realigning the imagination to aspiration. How do your relationships support the feelings of growth and expansion that you are cultivating right now? 


The grind is calling you and you’re down to get to work. Make sure you are balanced and not overworking yourself as burnout can sneak up on you this month. There have been situations that have been building that require cleaning up, now is a good time to reduce entanglements and strategize for the upcoming year. 


There’s a lot of creative energy building for you at this time. You can use this exciting energy for projects or even dating. It even makes sense to invite fresh and playful vibes in as inspiration. Don’t get too caught up in focusing on relationships though, unresolved patterns and feelings are likely to pop up this month. 


Your home environment has been calling for attention, don’t wait for things to hit the fan in order to deal with them. You may have to take a few steps back to reorient how to divide your precious time. Don’t feel defeated with having to pause, going inward feels natural for you this month. 


You’re ready to tackle projects that have been looming in the background. It feels like there’s so many errands, emails and details to smooth over. While you may be trudging through your tasks, when things feel too routine, try to keep it interesting to find creative solutions. Tune into your spark and make sure shining with you, even through the mundane. 


It’s time to buckle down and sit with all those worries that have been building around money and security. If you’ve been putting this off, now is the time. What may help is doing internal work about conditioning that contributes to how you feel about/live out your lifestyle.  


You’re ready to put yourself out there and feel the urge to implement all your new ideas. Move forward, but be patient with yourself as your enthusiasm can be met with some brain fog this month. A bit of ‘foot in mouth’ type energy if you rush into certain situations. Use your imagination to cultivate your ideas further. 


The cave is calling for you as you feel an urge to reflect and channel your efforts behind the scenes. Don’t let financial worries get you blue, it’s also time to envision what necessary steps are needed to be living alongside your values and not under them. 


Hey cutie, it’s your season!! Your help has been requested a lot this month, especially by your friends and associations. This may have you questioning yourself a bit about how much you are giving to others. Take the next few weeks to realign to your intent around time given and how you wish to show up for others. 

oak astrology