The Second Half of 2020

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2020, the most dramatic year ever, not even kidding.

(mild trigger warning, if you are already fatigued by the stress of this year)

Y’all! I know it ain’t been easy as we are living in one of the most eventful years of world history, especially for the United States. I guess we can think - ’well that’s been pretty crazy, can it get any worse?’

I wanted to share some insights from the astro perspective to outline the major themes for the rest of the year.

These next 6 months feature Mars in Aries which will be the point of focus and tension as it goes retrograde between September through November. Mars usually travels through a sign in approximately 2 months, but since it slows down to go rX we experience Mars in Aries until Jan 2021.

We have an opportunity to feel forward motion, motivation and enacting passion where Mars travels in our charts. At the end of this post, see where Mars will be travelling for you the rest of this year. However as Mars goes rX from Sept 9- November 14 expect that all the motivation and accelerated action will take a rather frustrating halt or a need to pull back and reorient your gameplan. Within Mars’ movement through Aries, it squares Pluto and Saturn, which is both explosive and will provoke fear, delay and disputes. This bodes for much intensity and does not seem pleasant or easy. Enjoy forward motion through July 25, after then, Mars is already in it’s rX shadow period and major moves taken within this time will be revisited during the rX cycle and may not find an easeful resolution til after the rX (More solid resolutions come particularly late December).

In the collective context, Mars is strong in its home sign of Aries and can easily show up as more potential for violence, hasty decisions and eruptions of anger. This can be more dramatic for the intensity and temperament of protesters and the police (and weapons) who are already symbolic of the archetype Mars. Critical points of Mars’ transit through Aries is when Mars will square off with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and the January eclipse point.

August 4 Mars sq Jupiter rX @ 19 Cap - Last time that Mars had a hard aspect to Jupiter was the conjunction on the 20th of March when most major cities in the US went on lockdown in response to the Corona Virus. This conjunction occurred at 22 Cap which was also the degree of the Saturn / Pluto Conjunction in Jan 2020 signifying a major milestone in the corona virus event timeline as the announcement of its urgency began to be widespread during the Jan 11 eclipse period. Jupiter and Mars conjunction in March was a direct trigger to the expansion of the virus. Wouldn’t be surprised if another mass lockdown happens at this time.

August 13 Mars sq Pluto rX @ 23 Cap - Mars was conjunct Pluto March 23. This was very close to the conjunction of Jupiter and Mars. At this time the severity of the virus was being shown in the news. Mars Pluto contacts can bring up fear of survival which was symbolic of the mass hoarding of toilet paper and mass stocking that many Americans we consumed with at that time. As we prepare for another connection to Mars and Pluto, no doubt that there may be another scare that may shake up the public.

August 24 Mars square Saturn rX @ 26 Cap - Mars Saturn contacts bring delay, worry, fear and general frustrations. Mars wants action especially in Aries and Saturn in Capricorn is structural sources of power that are challenging to that urge of potency and capability. This symbolism seems all too familiar with what we are dealing with in our socio-political sphere. This leads to the rX station of Mars on Sept 9 which is closely square to Saturn.

Sept 9 Mars station rX @ 28 Aries - Because Mars is so closely configured to Saturn, it flavors the entire Mars rX. This is not pleasant and seems that it magnifies the events stemming from the eclipse in January. As mars begins to go backwards in the Zodiac from Sept 9- Nov 14 it will act as a TRIGGER as it squares off with Jupiter, Pluto and the Eclipse points from January.

Sept 29 Mars rX square Saturn rX @ 25 Cap- Tensions build throughout the month of September and this day is peculiar as Mars rX squares Saturn is it stops to station direct. This is a climactic aspect that is likely to have implications within enforcement and policy. Saturn does not surprise, it brings the consequences of past actions into the forefront.

October 4 - 10 Mars rX square Pluto @ 22 Cap - On October 4 Pluto stations direct very close to the Jan 11 eclipse point and the previous Saturn Pluto conjunction. The importance of these degrees is that they are related to the corona virus pandemic, the political conservatism and the civil unrest in response that we are experiencing globally. As Pluto stations direct the overwhelming feelings, turmoils, and power dynamics that have developed this year will weigh much heavier. Planets stationing direct will begin to take action as the process of reflection comes to a close. Mars will square Pluto by October 10 triggering explosive action. This particular two week period is volatile. Major updates to the corona virus pandemic should be revealed at this time and we may even have events that blossom from the US airstrike and killing of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani from Jan 2020 between eclipses.

October 18 Mars rX square Jupiter @ 19 Cap - As previously mentioned, the Mars Jupiter conjunction in March 2020 coincided with the mass spreading of the virus. This contact of expansion may bring the number of infections and death to rise.

November 15 Mars station direct 15 Aries - The volatility of the previous months will have dissipated or at least the worst will have potentially ended. This week Venus in Libra approaches a square with Pluto and then Saturn suggesting acts of reconciliation after an extended rough patch.


The general vibe of the year will actually shift and we will be in new mindsets and reorienting ourselves in a very obvious way at the end of November. The eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius (November 30 & December 14) will churn our perspectives and outlooks on a collective level. In December, Jupiter and Saturn officially change signs into Aquarius signifying new energy, new approaches to our current issues and even new forms of government.

November 30 Lunar Eclipse @ 8 Gemini - December 14 Solar eclipse @ 23 Sagittarius - Eclipses bring in new energy and also close chapters. These are the first official eclipses in the polarity of Gemini/Sagittarius, the axis of information and belief systems. The partial eclipse on June 5 2020 showed a distinct shift in our collective mindset around racism, the toxicity of white dominant culture and the ways that we educate one another around problematic anti-black attitudes/actions. This shift ripped through all forms of media and changed the way that all people were using their social media platforms. We will see another milestone in the process as the eclipses this month will stimulate this powerful axis once again. Looking forward to the solar eclipse on December 14 as it carries the potential seed for old beliefs of systematic hatred and oppression here in the US to be put to rest.

December 19 Mars direct conjunct 22 Cap - Mars clears the degree of the eclipse and the Saturn Pluto Conjunction. The volatile acts that developed during the Mars rX will have another activation and as this is Mars in direct motion should have an element of resolution.

December 18-20 -Major shift - Saturn and Jupiter ingress to Aquarius - On December 18 Saturn finally leaves the heaviness of Capricorn ending its nearly 3 year journey through the sign of corporation and political tradition. Saturn briefly moved through Aquarius this year which was its timing was synonymous with social distancing and the explosion of all business and socializing being conducted on Zoom. On December 20, Jupiter leaves the restrictive environment of Capricorn and enters Aquarius. As Jupiter represents the collective trends and expanse, it emphasizes the possibility of new forms of communication and ways of establishing connection. Jupiter’s often positive influence may even promote a change to the way we are handling the pandemic. Jupiter in Capricorn is not a fortunate expression for Jupiter’s naturally generous nature, this shift will be felt and the heaviness of 2020 will begin to feel further away as these ingresses occur.

December 21 Winter Solstice & the long awaited Jupiter Saturn Conjunction - A very auspicious event occurs on the winter solstice this year. Jupiter and Saturn newly in Aquarius come together for their conjunction that occurs every 20 years. This cycle always ushers in new forms of law, economy, and leadership. The last conjunction in 2000 saw the huge shift to global economy and the tech industry growth and crash.

As we can expect changes to policy and the economy with this conjunction this contact between Saturn and Jupiter is the start of what is called the Great Mutation. Jupiter and Saturn’s 20 year cycle are part of a larger cycle and their joining in the sky for the past 200 years have been in Earth signs. The solstice this year features the first official conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in air signs for the next approx 200 years. A climactic year like 2020 is calling for dramatic changes in the way that we approach all aspects of structural powers and this is no surprise to any of us. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius measures to be a major step in a new direction. The way that this will transpire is yet to be known, but the formula for a big change is upon us.

For those of us waiting for ‘things to go back to normal’ they will be in for a harsh jolt of reality as the year progresses. In the meantime, wear your mask, pay attention to the happenings in the world, be a good human to your neighbors and dismantle all acts of racism small and large.

If you believe in fate, trust that you are born into this time for a reason and have an important role to play.


If you are stressed check out my instagram for healing meditations and various self care tools.

Where is your energy for the rest of the year?

Mars in Aries will invigorate an area of your life until it changes sign Jan 7 2021. Mars retrograde September 9 2020- November 14 2020 will prove to be a place of stress for this area of life as well. Based on your Rising sign here is where Mars will be invigorating your life and will be a primary theme for this second half of 2020.

Aries - Enjoy forward motion as you are finally tying together some major steps when it comes to career. Your desire to show up for yourself is just as strong as the fire you are sitting on for this leg of the year. Try to find the sweet spot between impulse and precision for the coming months.

Taurus - Your world view has been challenged this year and that is potentially an understatement. Be easy on your mental health as you may feel much more sensitive and prone to overwhelm. Honor your sensitivity and take good care of your heart so that you may stand in your strength.

Gemini - You seem to be focused on community happenings and gathering informative resources at this time. This is part of the year will be a marathon, remember to place focus on your needs. There is still personal work to do on your end that requires sitting with self.

Cancer - Onward with showing up the best way you know how at this time. There are parts of you that are going to be re-written in the coming months and that is exciting. Feel guided by passion and honor how much you have growth in the past 2 years.

Leo - There’s a boost in your political attitudes and beliefs. This can be very empowering and bring you to new awareness as so long as you are living those truths daily.

Virgo - Focusing on self empowerment and loving yourself deeply allows you to stride forward with passion. Assess entanglements and find your freedom.

Libra - Find your calm as this last leg of the year will bring in some heat to your relationships. As you’ve spent much of this year processing personal narratives, don’t be surprised if some relationships draw out dynamics that you are still processing and healing.

Scorpio - You’re staying busy pouring your focus into your daily regimen. Some breakthroughs in mental patterns can happen by solidifying some new habits. Write it out or stimulate yourself with studying something invigorating.

Sagittarius - Enjoy the feeling of being invigorated by your passions, move through those doubts that have haunted you the past few years and stand in your worth.

Capricorn - Much of 2020 has been a bulldozer, apply that amount of growth to your foundations. What changes need to be made within on the most personal level?

Aquarius - Take the bull by the horns and move through the feelings of helplessness. Some old mental patterns are creeping in and now you have the tools to work with them better.

Pisces - If you were to stand between your personal goals and income, would they be able to support each other? What does it cost to enact your vision?

oak astrology