Bending Reality - Wish Fulfillment Group


This year, during benevolent Jupiter’s transit in Pisces, using prayer we will be plunging ourselves into the infinite waters of creation, like gentle whales feasting on the algae of spirit (lol, but really).

As Jupiter has a 3 month dip into Pisces this year, it will finish up this transit during the months of Jan-May 2022. Using this first portion of Jupiter’s movement, we will plant seeds of fortune that will blossom next year ⚡️

We meet on Thursdays @ 11am pst / 2pm est for approx 30 mins of meditation/prayer. Oak will be utilizing astrological transits to keep our group feeling relevant. As we begin, we will will build up our intentions and throughout our time together, we will strengthen our connection to spirit and align to the frequency of opportunity. Excited to work together on this :)

Learn more about what Jupiter in Pisces expands for you personally here

Sign up ends on May 12


Thursdays @ 11am pst / 2pm est

Free to all <3

Your ritual instructions will come before we start our group 🌈

oak astrology