Can you help scorpios?


Check out this video where I go over how to work with Scorpio energy, it carries some great nuggets for working with the Full Moon this evening and through the next two weeks.

The infamous Scorpio Full Moon is also Vesak - the date of the Buddha’s enlightenment. This full moon oppose disruptive Uranus features a contrasty and sobering square to Saturn. Harsh truths and dissatisfaction can lead to breakthroughs - cutting through what is false - whether a necessary emotional purge or a hard glance into what needs pruning, it is all for the sake of true intimacy with what your life has to offer.
I always love the scorpio full moon, def enjoy the tears of realization and sometimes tough-to-swallow psychic insights. / If you dont mess with scorpio energy then it may be wise to question your own relationship to xray visionz lol
I’ve been noticing this month is not as luscious as it could be. It reminds me a lot of vegan and allergy conscious baking. Lots of finding ways to enjoy something so decadent without causing damage to yourself or your responsibilities, in the case of this metaphor. (And while less ‘enjoyable‘, its better than nothng lol) Pleasure with limits as we know that our duties are around the corner. As more planets start to go rX next month that sticky feeling that we need to buckle down is coming, that may be what you are feeling.

As we navigate our own personal waters and the collective frustrations of continual police violence, do not forget that the full moon highlights the axis of life sustained (taurus) and death (scorpio). Crisis, which is a threat to survival, happens to be a comfortable quality to manage for Scorpio. If the apocalypse were to come tomorrow, Scorpio’s would be the most acclimated and competent real talk. As we do our own personal shadow work this full moon, we must remember that our personal thriving and personal survival is deeply intertwined with the health and safety of our kin in the collective. This is the natural square that occurs between Taurus/Scorpio (personal needs) and with Saturn in Aquarius (collective contribution). As we move through dissatisfaction that Saturn often brings, yes, it may show up as a personal responsibility related to your individual endeavors, but looking out into how you can use your resources and time for a collective need may bring gratification in ways that you may have not thought of during this Taurus season.

oak astrology