Saturn Return Myths


⚡️For all the Saturn in Aquarius babes born from 2/7/1991 - 5/21/1993 & 7/1/1993 - 1/28/1994 its your Saturn Return!

Check out this video where I share my insights about the Saturn Return.

I'm going to be sharing three main myths that I hear often in my professional practice as a consulting astrologer. Some of the things that we may think about the Saturn Return that might not necessarily be as accurate when we actually have our Saturn Return.

The Saturn Return is probably one of the most prominent periods of time that we're going to know of in terms of astrological life cycles because it is one of the most important as Saturn represents the planet of our limitations, the relationship to our structural reality- So all things from our society, our politics, our government, and even the structures that we came into sort of their family. The structures of our life determine our reality and so in a lot of ways, Saturn, also represents our earthly incarnation and represents why we are here in this form. The limitations that we experience are why we strive there why we push up against particular boundaries so that we can expand we can grow. Our growth challenges those feelings of limitation.

Life is often painful because of the blockages we experience. But through those blockages and through those lessons we've learned about how to move through adversity move through those places of challenge and that becomes a type of wisdom that cannot be taken away from us. So Saturn denotes a lot of the things that we push up against - the challenges and also when we persevere. When we achieve through Saturn we cultivate a type of mastery that cannot be taken away from us. Saturn that also is a planet of mastery. And mastery comes with age.

There are certain things that we will not be able to achieve or to know until we reach a particular age. In a period of time where information is so abundant, and we can have a PhD level set of knowledge by the time we're 12 because of the internet. That does not change the fact that wisdom is something that is integrated through time and through experience.

SATURN RETURN MYTH 1: you will figure it all out At the time of the Saturn Return

By the way, Saturn Return is from about the age of 29 to 30 when we have our exact Saturn Return. And so, around the time of age 27 to 32, we're very much in the throes of aligning to what Saturn is asking us to do aligned to that kind of relationship to those deep life responsibilities and we're starting to understand a lot more fully, but the actual Saturn Return occurs around 29 to 30, the heaviest and most prominent part of it. And so this idea of “I'm going to be on my life trajectory, at the time of 29-30“ is a sweeping statement to say. There is a relative amount of truth to it, that there's some type of clicking into place where our soul is getting more aligned.

Saturn is coming to the exact same point where it was when you're born, it takes 30 years for Saturn to go all the way around the Zodiac again and come back to that same spot. That period of time, is where we are actually for the first time in our life, from when we're born, we are experiencing the understanding of our particular structural dynamic that we're existing in. And we are choosing our relationship to it. We're choosing our relationship to being responsible for our own life. And that is why there is a separation that occurs. Oftentimes we're separating from family dynamics family narratives family structures that do not align with us on a deep level, as well as we're choosing how we want to align to society. What one’s contribution is to society is heavily reliant on one’s ability to tune into what is true for the self on a soul level. “What is the work that I want to do for myself, and how does that, how is that reflection of who I am in totality?”

How can we figure out the best way to align ourselves to society, even if our society has values that do not align with who we are fundamentally? So it's a very difficult time. And that is actually what we're doing during the Saturn Return, we're forming ourselves a lot more than our path is being formed for us, we are aligning so that we can walk our path with balance, clarity, truth and honesty.

And so, the idea of being on your path is relative. When we're looking at our natal chart, we are looking at the totality of the self so everything is part of the path. Everything is the soul and the Saturn Return talks about this idea of what are those limitations that we experience within our life here, it does talk about a particular path that we're forming. Saturn is a very particular part of the path, we can think of Saturn actually as the tiles or the foundation, the roadway that the path represents the actual ground that we stand upon.

When we get to the point of our Saturn Return. We're actually just more clear of what that path, represents. And then I imagined that it's like, you start building it. You start fielding it tile by tile by tile by tile until it's something that you can walk upon. And so the Saturn Return in some ways represents that. And anything prior to that is us walking a path that often times our family, our society, our structures we are born into happen to forge for us. Those are the paths that we walk upon and when we have our Saturn Return we're starting to assess, if this a path that I want to continue on. A lot of times we're being like, no, I need to choose my own.

That's why you'll you'll see a lot of people that are starting to actually find their pathway in their career at that time, those decisions that you make at the time of the Saturn Return are fundamental in terms of setting up that trajectory of where you start your path. I'm currently 34 and astrology became my pathway in a very serious way when I had my Saturn Return. I would say that right now, at the age of 34, is when I'm actually starting to see the fruits of the path that I've chosen at the Saturn Return. So there's a big difference between me feeling at the age of 29 stepping into my career path in astrology VS having a full time practice and having tangible successful. (Then vs. now)

Myth 2: Can I prepare for a good Saturn Return?

I remember when I was 25 I was like, “I can feel it, I'm ready to start preparing for my Saturn Return.” This is kind of a yes & no kind of question.I would say no, because there are certain things that occur at the time of your Saturn Return that completely align you to your path.

It's kind of like trying to get a head start for a nightclub that hasn't opened yet. You're waiting outside, you're preparing for it, you're hyping yourself up and imagining what that's like, but you're not actually in the venue, until the party starts. That is quite similar to the Saturn Return, there's just certain things that are going to be very specific to when you're in that period of time that you can only understand at that time.

There are ways to cultivate your relationship to Saturn, which I think that is the way to prepare for the Saturn Return. There's things about our path that we don't know until we're in a particular period of our life, but we can cultivate that relationship to Saturn which is cultivating your relationship to discipline, cultivating your relationship to responsibility, cultivating your relationship to commitment, and those types of things are what come with age and maturity.

The idea of committing is very much based within maturity. If you're in a period of time in your youth where you're literally supposed to be a drunk and playful 22 year old, how can you imagine a relationship to commitment at that age? I think there's a time and a place for everything and that it’s important to be the age that you are. And so this idea of like preparing for your Saturn Return seem out of context in my opinion to a certain extent. Just be focused on the life that's in front of you and be focused on the consciousness that you have now be focused on the reality of what is given to you currently because when you have your Saturn Return - Saturn does not discriminate. Saturn is always on time. When it's time for you to do make those important life decision you will know when it’s time.

But I do you think that the harder that you work before your Saturn Return, especially if you kind of have a career path at the early 20s, then you know like I think that it does carry over like those experiences and that relationship to mastery.

If we're gonna think about it from an analysis perspective, your relationship to Saturn in your natal chart is going to tell you about your Saturn Return. So we have a good placement of Saturn (if Saturn is doing some good things in your chart) you're probably naturally Saturnian. So when you have your Saturn Return, it might not be as hard, but Saturn returns are a true initiation into our maturity. And so it's hard for everyone. And it's just harder for others - it really is dependent on your chart.

Myth number 3: My Saturn Return is over when Saturn crosses over my natal Saturn

Let's say that your Saturn Return is exact in March of 2021. So, March 2021 is over, and you're like, oh yeah so my Saturn Return is over, it was great and now Im finished.

No. 😂

We can imagine the sky as an entire 360 degree circle. Divide the circle in 12 and we have the 12 signs. The planets move through these 12 segments of the sky. Saturn’s gravity is so dense that wherever Saturn is traveling in the sky determines our reality. And it's really going to have such a strong influence on that sign that it's traveling through the entire duration of its time through that sign. And that's kind of the idea of just planets moving through the sky rin general is that they have an influence for the entire time that they're in that sign, so they're going to affect that area, especially with the outer planets. That is very true. And so, from the moment, Saturn enters the sign of your natal Saturn.

Let’s say your natal Saturn is at 15 degrees Aquarius.

From the moment that Saturn enters Aquarius, from zero degrees all the way till the end of Aquarius until the very last 29th degree. That is the entire time with your Saturn Return. There's an undeniable heaviness. It just means that the primary decisions that are being made and the most prominent themes that have been the heaviest parts of it are those months that Saturn is exact on your natal Saturn, and that is usually within a year period that Saturn will kind of travel within that range of being very close to the natal position of your Saturn.

And so like let's say that you have Saturn, like 0 degrees Aquarius. And so, Saturn is moving through Capricorn the sign before, you're still feeling it, because, literally, even though your Saturn Return is age 29 to 30, while it really depends on people's charts, generally you feel the weight of Saturn, from 28-29, and even after 31 - 32. It's just a heavy period. Imagine what its like for your soul to be aligned to your path.

Imagine your soul, crystallizing in a way where you're actually understanding the path that you're going to create in this life. It's not overnight. Mastery takes a long time.

oak astrology