Solar eclipse 29’ Aries

April 19/20

This solar eclipse is the first in the Aries Libra series which will have lasting impact for the next two years. The last time this eclipse series occurred was approximately through  2005-2006.

Cultivating Strength and Innovation, But Mercury RX 👀

An Aries solar eclipse by itself will usually indicate a month where personal agency and strength greatly increase. However this time around, there are several factors that seem to modify the potential of this period. The mercury retrograde that occurs on April 21 is a major contradiction to this Aries solar eclipse and creates an environment of needing to pause and reframe for the entire month of eclipse season. This retrograde in combination with the Aries urgency of personal autonomy / aligned action, it seems that we will be having slow build to arrive at our own personal fuerte.


With the major transitions happening in the world between impending war, economic paradigms starting to change and the political circus we are all sharing a space of general confusion with how to move forward. Since Saturn in Pisces’ ingress in March 2023, we can expect that many will feel a type of listlessness and possibly a lack of faith. And rightfully so, there’s so much that we are having to process collectively.


The solar eclipse will also be in a strong square to Pluto. This is the most notable theme  of 2023 as the eclipse points will be square to Pluto for most of the year.

There is much shadow materials to overcome in order for us to feel decisive, sovereign and in control of our paths. To be able to choose wholeheartedly is a bold expression. At this time of exponential interference on all sides (energetically, spiritually environmentally, socially), it is brave to KNOW and ACT with laser sharp clarity. Our internal meters are challenged at this time of excessive noise and legitimate collective circumstance. The  upcoming eclipse will push us to KNOW OURSELVES and eventually to ACT. Cleanse your body, cleanse your mind. Moving through internal toxicity is the mandatory training ground for navigating chaotic times. Start small and simple and strengthen what is weakest within.


If your sword is aimed toward pettiness, you are certainly missing the bigger picture.  

Clean your sword and simplify your heart. 

Do not be a tapestry of vendettas. 

No one knows better where to place your energy than you. In such times of energy leaks, and urgent clickbait, call back all of your attention and place it where it is best utilized. Liberate yourself by disengaging from regret and comparison. Assess frustrations and see where you are unnecessarily siphoning your energy. It should not be in the hands of another. Be a force of empowerment by elevating your intentions. 

oak astrology