I’ve been working with herbs longer than I’ve been an astrologer for about 12+ years. While I never intended to share my work with herbs I have been inspired by a passion project in the past few months to share some formulas that I think are valuable in 2024 and beyond.

Herbalism is profound in its ability to establish resilience and further reveals the bodies natural intelligence to heal. Hawthorne berry is the herb that healed my heart condition that caused me great distress in my early 20’s and propelled me on my healing journey. Ever since I have worked consistently with herbs as a part of my daily life.

The level of wisdom, insight , personal awareness and ecstatic appreciation for life and the earth is truly embedded within working with herbs. I really do hope that you expereience this type of connection with the earth as it is necessary for us connect in order to be better stewards of our home. Herbalism is a beautiful companion to city life. A simple cup of tea or a waft of beautiful incense offers a way to reconnect as urban spaces tend to be ungrounding and disconnecting.

Pleased to announce ULTIMATE POWER OJAS, which is a collection of herbal formulas that I feel deeply connected to.

These formulas made in super small batch and are currently available for presale and will be mailed out by May 20.

oak astrology