Understanding Eclipses

Eclipses have a tremendous impact on our lives as they are times where the spiritual and material begin to snap into place. This can look like a gigantic push forward in your life’s trajectory and it can also look like a major disruption that can make for messy clean up. These times that happen every 6 months will vary in intensity based on the planetary configurations. This particular cycle that occurs in the signs of Scorpio/Taurus attempt to reorganize parts of our lives that are ‘containers’. Imagine a metaphoric copper vessel that houses your most valuable possessions - Your favorite foods and your favorite kinks. I mean this in all the literal and symbolic ways… and these eclipses do seek to reorganize these hardwired parts of ourselves.

Scorpio South Node & Taurus North Node

Did you know that the type of skin on your lips is the same type of skin on your bootyhole? Think about that. The immense sensory and nervous function that we use to take in pleasurable tastes is the same that we use for the processing and the release of those once delectable foods. This is the same way that we can understand the Taurus/Scorpio axis. In this concept of ‘containment’ just like in the precious vessel analogy, we gravitate toward the valuable (pleasure) and attempt to accumulate, filling up just as we would a beautiful meal. The vessel itself can only contain so much, and the natural cycle of releasing what is accumulated allows for new tastes, new experiences, new treasures to fill ourselves with.

These eclipses that started in Nov 2021 are giving an upgrade to the vessel itself. So many of us are realizing what is fundamentally important to them, so many of us are becoming more intimate with our needs. These particular eclipses that occur on October 25 & November 7 are the deep scrub to your vessel of pleasure and kink. During this eclipse period you’ll be equipped with a hard bristle brush in hand and a long rummage down memory lane.

Scorpio Solar Eclipse, October 25 2022

The Solar Eclipse @ 2’ Scorpio is valuable because Solar eclipses, as opposed to lunar eclipses, initiate new themes and will birth new energies into our lives. Since this eclipse is with the South Node, there is an overall theme of purging, releasing and decomposition. This is very exciting if you are interested in shadow work and uncovering and laying to rest old traumas. Overall this is high-speed healing and it is recommended to be gentle with yourself.

What is the incentive for sifting through all this heavy & emotional material ? Pleasure & Peace ☮️

Ideally, as we clear through traumas and old wounds, our capacity to be in harmony will increase. These eclipses that started in Nov 2021 have started a major inquiry in our lives, making it so much more clear which parts of our lives are not enjoyable and are not in alignment. This is why the Scorpio Solar eclipse that just occurred on Oct 25 can be an actual blessing, as it is likely to show exactly where wounding still persists.

Uranus in Taurus and the Eclipses

There is another side to these eclipses that is unavoidably obvious. And that is our intrinsic relationship to the earth as our true meter of harmony, peace and pleasure. The conditions, environment and resources of the earth are vital to the sustenance of life. These eclipses also have revealed more layer to climate change and we have witness major climate disasters within 2022 alone. Between harsh shifts in global temperatures like the prolonged heatwaves that moved through India, China & Pakistan to the massive flooding in Pakistan. Unstable climate changes have already started to affect global crops and will have impact on our food systems for the next few years. These eclipses have also coincided with inflation of the economy which has also had global impact.

As we build up to the Lunar eclipse on November 7 @ 16 Taurus, we will see more developments to these themes. The way it relates to us on a personal level remains… moving toward more peace, more harmony, etc. Although because the socio/political conditions are so dramatic at this time, it brings us to a much more existential place.

This past year, many of us are getting more tuned in to our ‘calling’ and making dramatic changes to create a more aligned lifestyle! This is part of the eclipse energy. As we continue on with this beautiful contemplation, consider the ways that our paths are moving closer to communion with the Earth, the needs of the Earth and how your work can also be an offering to the Earth as well.

If you’re interested in learning more about your life path, please join my Saturn Class! You’ll learn how organize your life timing and one of the most foundational cornerstones to your natal chart.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

2:30pm pst / 5:30pm est


Recording will be available for 7 days after class

oak astrology