Venus in Scorpio / Breaking Envy


Venus in Scorpio is all the parts of love that are profound and twisted. If Venus in Aries is the Sour Patch Kid of romance, Venus in Scorpio is the heroine laced halloween candy that can be a toss up of alluring and deadly :/ (metaphorically of course). One of the experiences of someone having Venus in detriment is learning about love the hard way. This is a beautiful placement of Venus, yet it often will experience being misread, misunderstood and receiving the brunt of disdain - Seemingly this occurs because of a sharp level of insight that can lead to ‘not liking what someone sees’ when digging. 👀

ENVY when unaddressed, can become all pervasive, what an insidious way to be, yet all of us experience this! Me and @flo.glo 2 Venus in Scorpio babes who know these territories all too well and have also distilled the juice & the wisdom through trial and error. Get into the CHISME on the new episode of the pod.

@flo.glo is a yerbera, diviner, writer & Earthlover from the Bronx. She works her medicine to support collective healing, bridge generational gaps, and help us intuit a better world.

oak astrology