Jupiter in Aries 2022


Paying attention to Jupiter’s movement will tell you about the economic sectors of society that will grow and also showing where collective virtue is focused. 

While Jupiter is in Aries this year (May 10 - Oct 28), pioneering forward, independence, assertion are the underlying motivation for us all. Get up off the couch and make it happen kinda vibe. 

Jupiter’s movement through Aries creates an offset to the contentious Saturn/Uranus square of 2021 and 2022. (I know you remember that very specific feeling last year of not being able to move forward)

The uplifting quality to Jupiter always guides us to new heights and experiences. Although, how does this translate for the general population? Does everyone have access to ‘get up and just do it’? 

Mental health is something to consider with Jupiter in Aries. The repression of the past few years will not bode well with the ingress of Jupiter in aries on May 10 - Oct 28, especially the later half of the year.  

Mental health is not about peace, it is about recognizing what part of the self needs acknowledgment. 

Assertion is only possible with agency. As the personal will expands this year, remember that a will that has nowhere to express will turn inward to repression, then eventually to rage.

As an example, the backlash of citizens in Shanghai that are on lockdown and starting to advocate for their personal autonomy in one of the most censorship and surveillance focused countries. There are revolts starting where facial recognition software is being knocked down, and people are escaping from their homes during the citywide and heavily enforced lockdown. Here in the states, gender affirming medical care has been banned in Alabama and the Supreme Court has overturned abortion rights. In Nigeria last month, 73 million phones were disconnected for not linking their sims to a national identification system proposed in 2020. 

Physicalization tends to work against repression. Taking action rather than bottling. Being about it rather than speaking about it.

As mentioned, mental health is not about establishing calm while you are being violated. It is about addressing what is most alive inside of you and acting from that place. 

oak astrology