Uranus Conjunct the North Node in Taurus


Each planet carries multiple layers of symbolism, and somehow all of them are true.

This transit of Uranus in the same part of the sky as the North Node from Jan 19 2022 - Jul 17 2023 will surely showcase the power of this unpredictable planet.

Uranus rules over the experiences that continue to keep the evolutionary edge in motion - Inspiration, shock, innovation and general unpredictability. Disruption, the archetypal trickster, is a force that seems to makes the world remain on its axis. On a personal level, Uranus is present in all experiences of a change in life direction usually through irreversible inspiration. On the world stage, Uranus can offer the same however it will relate to cultural revelations, usually through shocking news that affects large groups of people, particularly through technological development or disaster.

Uranus has been in the sign Taurus since 2018 and will remain here until 2027. However emphasis on Uranus will be while the North Node joins Uranus in this part of the sky for the next year (through July 2023). We can say that we will SEE more fully the effect of Uranus as its been in Taurus during this period.

Uranus in Taurus will have the most impact on our material reality - FOOD & MONEY & THE EARTH

It’s been a build up to these themes in the past few years as bitcoin started to explode in popularity when Uranus entered Taurus in 2018 as well as talks of climate change ramping up.

However in 2022, we have really started to see dramatic weather patterns with a heat wave that is affecting India and Pakistan very badly. So much that even birds are falling from the sky from dehydration. Between these two countries 1.5 billion people reside. Water deliveries are not going to all areas and there are also food shortages. In North America, there have been several fires to food distribution facilities, in addition to a global food shortage due to the war between Russian and Ukraine.

Because food, money and the earth are what continually sustain life, disruptions to these (which we are very much seeing) will also change the way that we live.

Uranus also has association with groups of people, thus representing collective impact. Starting to align your virtues with groups that are supporting affirmative action for climate change and environmental protection is one way to work with this energy. Overall, this transit is a huge wake up call and much will change because of the event that develop within this 1.5 year period.

Uranus conjunct the North Node in recent History

The last time that Uranus was conjunct the North node was in January 2007 in the sign of Pisces.

This was the release of the IPHONE. This phone / technology has changed the world as we know it. This is an example of the expanding / catapulting / multiplying quality that the North Node has on a planet.

Additionally, here are other MASSIVE developments that occurred in 2007:

Facebook and Twitter went global; Kindle and Android were released; Airbnb was founded; Google bought YouTube; IBM created its artificial intelligence system Watson, and fracking began, Friedman noted in an interview on CNBC's Squawk Box.”

The previous time the North Node was conjunct Uranus was in 1991 in the sign of Capricorn and that was the first URL being published.

In 1976, this Uranus North Node conjunction proved major technological developments which would change the world. Intel introduced the 8085 processor in 1976. Steve Wozniak designs the first preassembled computer which would be the start of Apple Inc. The first 5.25-inch floppy disk was also invented in 1976.

As Uranus will be exactly conjunct the North Node in August of 2022, there is so much that is already developing around technology.

An increased global conversation around surveillance, privacy and the protection of personal information continues as we become more and more reliant on our phones.

In Nigeria, the month of April 2022 saw 73 million phones being disconnected as users did not comply with inputting an identification number associated with their SIMS. This new requests was implemented in 2020. In Shanghai, there is a backlash of citizens that are on lockdown and starting to advocate for their personal autonomy in one of the most censorship and surveillance focused countries. There are revolts starting where facial recognition software is being knocked down, and people are escaping from their homes during the citywide and heavily enforced lockdown.

Facebook has recently rebranded as META and also has ‘moved’ their headquarters for instagram outside of the USA (In ireland). There is so much that is uncertain, but something very suspicious that is developing. The Urenus North Node this year alludes to dramatic developments in technology. We are starting to really understand the pervasive impact that the IPHONE and INTERNET has had on us. Its not all bad, and its not all good.

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