Sun Pluto Opposition


it is only in full surrender, where we drop to our knees and cry for the divine mother to take away the burdens of pain. it is only in the recognition that we are the ones with the locked grip on our own suffering, that while we cry for kindness, we also readily wield the poisons of resentment, doubt and shame.

we continually yo-yo, to and from our remembering that we are both created and creator. its a tease to exist in this form and also to be infinite, to be the alchemist, the crucible and the material to be transformed -and while being confined to the limited structures of society. i believe this is where we all feel the inherent frustration with life.

pluto and the sun share a similar signification in that they are symbolic of both unity and separation. as pluto and sun create their annual opposition today, shadow materials will be expressed and viscerally felt.

we are reminded that all parts of ourselves create our wholeness and it is through accessing all parts that we come closer and closer to the most truthful versions of ourselves. until then, it is all projection. until we meet the most well concealed and self protected parts of ourselves, we continually project our pain. and trust, it is there- it is our birthright. and it is the truest and sweetest boons of this lifetime to drain the poisons from our pure hearts, because wholeness is holiness and it is always true unity that we seek whether we have the language to express that or not.

as this weekends opposition (7/17/21) will likely show us our own shadow being highlighted through the actions of another, it may be beneficial to be in gratitude that this is one of the few times in the year that we can see darkness clear as day. and to be concise, not all ways that we perceive are as they seem because of our own pain as well.

sending blessings of the clear heart, it is the antidote to a world where we all operate from our pain body. it’s infantile, beautiful, and much cause for the utmost compassion for others and for the Self.

Enjoy this video about my attitudes around astrology & accountability. While I spoke in flowery language about the depth of Pluto in this post, I feel very clearly about the relationship that we MUST need to have to our shadow work in order to be in a grounded place within the healing process.

oak astrology