The Magic of Timing


While you may understand the concept that your birth chart is a map of the sky when you were born,  in astrology and all of its infinite applications, timing is truly everything.

This idea of ‘the moment of birth’ can be applied to anything that has a start or an inception. And it is this principle that  anything can have a birth chart  which becomes incredibly valuable and practical when applied to endeavors that we want to go successfully.

Some people are born with a lot of luck or natural gifts and skills, while others tend to struggle or have much adversity to experience in order to cultivate their successes in life- All of this will clearly be reflected in the birth chart. 

The primary axiom of Astrology as translated from the Emerald Tablet, one of the oldest texts of the western esoteric tradition states: 

That which is below corresponds to that which is above, and that which is above corresponds to that which is below, in the accomplishment of the miracle of one thing.  -Hermès Trismegistus, approx 6th-8th century AD

It translates to what is more familiar here: “As above, so below, as within, so without, so the universe, as the soul.”

This idea of the micro/macro is not limited to the western alchemical tradition as similar sentiments are present in most cosmologies.

He who knows the Father of this world as this which is below, associated with that which is above, and that which is above associated with that which is below will have the mind of a sage. - Rig Veda 1700BC-1000BC

As the sky is our cosmic mirror, when we track the movement of the stars we have the ability to track the movement of our lives. We can also use this understanding to help affirm success in our endeavors. The idea of the ‘right timing’ in astrology can determine the most fortunate timing for all matters of business, signing contracts, releasing projects, beginning a partnership and even simple matters like what day will be the most relaxing for vacation. 

When using astrological analysis, we can determine that one’s life may have many fortunes promised to them, or that their pathway is more difficult, then of course we can determine when the launch of a business venture will be favorable. 

The branch of astrology that focuses on choosing the proper timing for a successful endeavor is called Electional Astrology. I would say that knowing this technique is one of the perks of being an astrologer as it can be used to support all matters that involve a desired outcome. 

-Social media postings

-Business / product launch / release dates 

-Announcements, emails, text messages 

-Applications / Signing of contracts 

-Forming of partnerships

-Meeting dates 

-The purchase of a large ticket or important item

-Closures and ensuring finality

-Talismanic or magical workings 

-Commencement of a trip or journey 

-Creating cosmic support for any competition or submission 

Learn more about my  offering  that supports the process of  heart healing and establishing a stronger connection to divine love. This work includes some beautiful workings with electional astrology by creating a talisman aligning your birth chart and auspicious timing for your specific needs.

oak astrology