ritual for heart healing and DEEPENING connection to the divine

for those on the journey of self love  🌹 this is an invitation to marry your own heart 


For years I have been making talismans in extensive ritual with the vibration of divine love and now I am sharing this work with my community. This has been an intimate part of my practice and something I have kept to close to myself. 

Based on specific astrological conditions, rituals are available few times a year and can only be done if it cosmically aligns with the individual, making the ritual exclusive and only as synchronistic as the natal chart and cosmic events allow

Using specified astrological timing, in ritual devotion, I create a talisman that is specifically for your heart journey - this will be based solely on your natal chart and only created to enhance, support and transform your relationship to your divine heart. 

Benefits of the talisman from Oak:

-Recieve a handmade talisman specifically crafted to your birth chart using precise cosmic alignments, extensive ritual and directed toward healing and support where it is needed most

Topics of support can include:

-Love & Heart Healing

-Deepening spiritual connection

-Ancestral Healing and Veneration

-Releasing grief

-Acceptance, forgiveness, self-love

-Creativity, flow, money, career

-Support in life path

This work is for individuals that are dedicated to their spiritual path and that are ready to do deepen the connection to their heart and spirit.

Set up your consultation to see when is the right time for your talisman ❤️