Virgo New Moon


Here in the land of samsara, an indisputable virtue is that there will always be work to do and there will always be something to clean up. This sometimes unfortunate truth also is based within our own perception. As with our priorities, what we deem as wrong, what is broken- All perceptions. The idea that righteousness is liminal can certainly bedisruptive to the do-gooder nature of Virgo , and that is the very reason that Mercury is the ruler of Virgo.

Mercury is synonymous with the mind’s ability to weave the thought with the word. To go deep within the wrinkles of space-time-image-sensory and somehow articulate something of a vibrational match, whether a simple text or a one word response, this is nothing short of magical. It is Mercury that delves between the world of the unseen, carrying the knowledge and messages from Source to the sensory. In Gemini (air) the divine orator. In Virgo (earth), the healer. 

To heal suggests bringing one closer to balance or to perfection. It is in this virtue that all works, all judgements, all actions should be filtered through the principle of a “bottomline why”. It is easy to question our lives and essentially easy to dispute the purpose of anything. But, when we ask ‘Why’ through the lens of the Spirit, what was once complicated becomes simple and what was once irritating becomes an invitation to look again, in liminality. There will always be work to do, and always something to fix AND it is for our mental sanity to remember the Ultimate Why behind our virtuous actions. If they do not serve the spirit, they are not truly acts of service. 

These days its easy to stare at a wall and just be like WTF 🙃 And as we go further into revolutionary times, we need to remember WHY - If our reasons for doing are not purified in the waters of the collective, well, they may not really be an Ultimate Why. A new moon in Virgo highlights health and well-being, which is a pressing global issue at this time. In the navigation of the mundane, it is only in your connection to the Divine Why that seemingly disparate moving parts go from overwhelming/chaotic to very intentional threads in a colorful tapestry. Flowery words aside: As you organize, gather and align this month, do not forget about the bigger picture, for yourself and for the world you participate in as that should inform your daily movements.

This New Moon in Virgo on September 7, 2021 features a trine to Uranus. The previous New Moon in Leo was square to Uranus. Putting works into action this lunar month will flow much easier. Just in time for the Mercury Retrograde lol Check out my post and video about this upcoming Mercury rX as it is very much tied to this New Moon.

oak astrology