Mercury rX in Libra - Choose YOUR MOVE


Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2021 -

I will be titling this period of time: Acting for peace does not always suggest harmony

Gracious Mercury in Libra, during Libra season seems pleasant enough, a little social grace here, a little holding the door open for you there, a little witty banter, a little sly remark maybe. But this Mercury rX is going to coincide with many cosmic events, a sly remark or unexpressed micro-aggression could potentially come for you at a later time.

The Mercury Retrograde in Libra really ties into some very interesting and hectic themes within the month of October. There's a lot of turning points as many outer planets station direct, suggesting switching to a more active time of year. And so, as Mercury Retrograde is usually a time where we are reorienting our states of mind, we're needing to slow down as often times there are particular messages that come through. Communication errors will create new neural pathways that will allow the space to view life from a different perspective. While the feeling of reversal is typical during Mercury Retrograde, this is occurring simultaneously while several outer planets (Jupiter Saturn Pluto) are beginning to track forward in their path. October deserves a deep PAUSE and ultimately will create immense clarity in the coming month. However this Mercury rX seems to weave the themes of the the previous months in 2021 as well as the upcoming months of the year quite gracefully - hear me out -

  • Firstly, this is the final Mercury rX for 2021 and they have all occurred in air signs. Does this speak to the incredible amount of misinformation that is rampant in our politics and media? We have experienced extreme divisiveness with information about the pandemic / vaccines and even still theres a lack of information. This Mercury rX will likely not disappoint in this theme of 2021 lol

  • Mercury rX will station square to Pluto, this will color the entire rX with dynamics of conversational power dynamics and intense communications in general

  • Mercury will be traveling conjunct Mars in Libra for a portion of its rX period, this is a classic symbol for confrontation aggravations, conflict, however, in Libra it may be something to the effect of Mean Girls, Showgirls (a classic from 1995 if you haven’t seen), Bring it On. While this is an exaggerated example, imagine our politics operating in ways that are even pettier and even more undermined. The reason being is that while conflict is suggested cosmically, Libra planets are non-confrontational and will likely get their way with passive aggression and insincerity, all the while protecting their image lol.

  • This Mercury rX in Libra shares the same part of the sky with the Sun and Mars for the entire period. This is going to create hidden motives and definite frustrations that occur. The question is more-so when those aggressions are expressed or if they remain concealed as secretive agendas.

  • If this all doesn’t sound hectic enough, the Mercury rX ties succinctly with the Venus retrograde in Capricorn that occurs December 16- January 29. A word of caution, if you create or perpetuate an issue during the Mercury rX, this particular theme may carry on into the Venus rX cycle. Choose your words wisely, choose to act with kindness, but with immense clarity of intention.

The Mercury rX Timeline:

Mercury enters Libra 00° Libra

August 30, 2021

Mercury begins a 2 month stay in Libra, we will try to be diplomatic as things in October start to heat up! 🙃

Mercury enters shadow period @ 10° Libra

September 6, 2021

The New Moon in Virgo occurs this day as well. This highlights the Mercury rX as Mercury into this lunar cycle. Themes that develop during this new moon cycle will certainly be a theme in the Mercury rX

Mercury retrograde in Libra rX @ 25° Libra

September 26, 2021

New Moon in Libra @ 12° Libra

October 6, 2021

This New Moon in Libra features a strong conjunction to the Mars, this highlights the themes of conflict that will be present during this lunar cycle.

Sun Mars Conjunction @ 14° Libra

October 8, 2021

A fiery connection between Sun and Mars can be passionate, powerful and energetic. Conflict and aggression are close relatives to passion. Themes of dispute within this rX period can materialize, whether seen or unseen, but may occur full blow post retrograde.

Mercury rX conjunct Mars and Sun @ 16° Libra

October 10, 2021

Be mindful of occurrences here, potential for conflict, irritations and misdirected energy. Be mindful of the current astrology and try to find your center. The Sun Mars Mercury connection which will be quite active from October 5-12 is a time to be aware of your words and try to best situate yourself in ways that are diplomatic and also direct and clear. This will save you potential issues that can come up during the Venus rX in December 2021

Mercury Station direct @ 10° Libra square to Uranus @ 13° Taurus

October 18, 2021

Mercury stations direct the same day as Jupiter stationing direct @ 22° Aquarius. This feels like much clarity on a personal level however this feels like a strong dose of clarity in a messy situation.

Mercury completes shadow phase @ 25 Libra

November 3, 2021

Mercury enters Scorpio

November 6, 2021

Check out your horoscope for the Mercury rX period!

Check out my new 5 week course: Cultivating Resilience to Planetary Energy

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