12th house transits


Super Helpful Astro Tip: 12th House Transits 

This is an easy and helpful astro tip that can really ease your mind during difficult times. 

Most of us may stay up to date with astrology forecasts and social media posts the share tidbits about the cosmic weather. I want to share a useful tip that can be applied for anyone -  new astro babes and astrology fiends alike:

Simply knowing when planets move through your 12th house can be a total saving grace. This can be helpful information for over achievers and folks with a tendency toward depression. Why is that? Transiting planets that will move through your 12th house naturally activate a subconscious part of you. This can stir us up differently based on our relationship to our own subconscious. I would first say that in general all of our inner workings are pretty messy - as the inner world is infinite and there’s no ability to fully grasp a place within that is essentially non-physical. 

A planet that moves through our 12th house is entering a part of your life that is least visible and so there will always be a part of your that is needing to go inward. For the overachiever/busy-body this can be deeply confusing our we do not have a good relationship to rest. Our society does not prioritize going within and the yin processes of reflection. As 12th house transits often have us going inward, sometimes we may not feel in the mood to socialize or be as present for our responsibilities, but often there is a general lack of vitality that seems to occur as well. This of course is dependent on the transiting planets - Sun and Mars being strong indicators of energy. 

How to know if a planet is transiting through your 12th house: 

  1. Identify your rising sign / ascendant

  2. The sign before your rising sign is basically your 12th house

  3. Anytime a planet in the sky enters the sign before your rising, it is traveling through your 12th house

What you may expect when a planet goes through the 12th house: 

A need to recharge more often

Difficulty with mundane tasks and responsibilities

Getting a better understanding of your psyche 

Potentials of seeing your self-sabotage mechanisms 

Lack of vitality / exhaustion / overwhelm 

Unprocessed ‘stuff’ that was not apparent coming into awareness - (stuff can be emotional, karmic, psychological, interpersonal)

Next level understanding: 

Being an amazing human is simply being compassionate for the experience of others. People usually are struggling in some way during 12th house transits (it depends on the planet and the individual of course), but if you know your folks rising sign, you can start to witness how other people react to 12th house transits as well. This will increase your understanding of real time astrology! 

Check out this video where I talk about 12 house transits in more detail. 

oak astrology