Individual Survival & Collective Solidarity - The implications of caretaking are increasingly greater and more obvious in 2024. As we experience the first half of this year, there will be a build up of chaos likely leading to uprising by April & May of 2024.

Our choices for how to show up are solely based on the individual, but certainly, what prevents full presence to the moment at hand is being shut down and disassociated.

As we are building to a wild April, the astrology of Feb and March is going to challenge us to think/act more collectively. When this type of energetic environment is created, those who are already shut down will go further into themselves.

Your innate knowing that some big career/life changes are in store for you this year, and also feeling the collective strain/responsibility, is the paradox that we are having to mitigate. Being able to successfully manage your inner outer is a total flex this year.


Ill be hosting the 6th volume of Spiritual Warrior Training in Feb, it is a one month container where we train M-F focusing on spiritual/physical practice that enhances life force, magnetism and helps to mitigate undesirable cosmic forces. These trainings are fortified by 5 alchemical teachings that bring astrology into a tangible and physical practice. These lessons and practices will teach you how to balance your own birth chart for greater harmony. This container is practical, effective and will deepen your spiritual & meditation practice.

The theme for this round of training is Heart of Gold πŸ’› the space of integrating the disparate, and the great building of capacity.

Very excited to hold this space and practice with yall 🎯 This is honest, deep and consistent practice - The glow up truly comes from within and at your own hand, it’s beautiful to witness.

THE PARADOX OF NOURISHMENT, is an audio recording of my thoughts on food and ancestral healing.

This conversation is inspired by the Soul Shine retreat that me and Yael of Kundalini Alchemy are hosting on Jan 19, 2024 in the Bay Area. The link between food, nourishment and ancestral healing is something that I think about often as a chef. Check out this episode in the link below.

oak astrology