
To continue diving deeper, the 6 reading/coaching sessions is an option that is economical and does not expire. These sessions can be used as frequently as needed. Oak will co-create with you to design the structure for these healing sessions.

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6 Reading package can be used to:

⚡️ Deepen into your healing by spending time on different areas of your birth chart

⚡️Receive consistent guidance through the year

⚡️Continue your personal study of astrology by recieiving mentorship.


I completed a six-session mentorship journey with Oak recently, and to describe it as anything less than transformative would be wholly inaccurate. Oak was a lovely, patient, fun, intuitive guide towards better understanding astrology, myself through my birth chart and its constant interactions with ongoing astrological machinations, and how best to move through the world in a way that is healing, for myself and others. I also had the privilege to have participated in last year's Spiritual Warrior Training, which was instrumental in being able to truly integrate Oak's teachings and to drown out the noise in order to listen better to myself and my communities, so to speak. I now, thanks to Oak, understand so much more fully how supportive astrology can be to undergird an attuned spiritual journey, something so vital always and all ways but particularly in this moment of global unrest and tragedy, when our collective capacity for healing and truth-telling is being vehemently called upon. I'm inspired and bolstered by all of Oak's offerings, from their podcast to their social media presence to their mentorships and courses, much of which they generously create for us in financially accessible ways. Perhaps most importantly, I felt safe and in alignment as a Black non-binary queer person when receiving these teachings from Oak, who I know to be aware, in tune, and real about connecting astrological teachings and tools to being in and of global struggles for liberation. 

-Ro Averin